The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Watch a short video to show how you can set up an NHS account and how you can use the NHS App.
Breast Screening Awareness Campaign
NHS England will be launching a breast screening campaign from 17th February 2025 – The national campaign aims to target all women of breast screening age (50 to 71 years) because regular breast screening can find breast cancer before you notice any signs or symptoms.
Have you missed an appointment?
We are aiming to reduce missed appointments and need your help. Please cancel an appointment if you no longer need it or are unable to make it. You can cancel appointments using the NHS App or by logging into SystmOnline or you could telephone the practice. Many thanks.
Please wear a mask at Dolphins Practice
Help us to prevent the spread of winter viruses Health and care services in Sussex are seeing an exceptional level of demand due to the increase in the spread of flu and other winter viruses. To limit the spread of infection and protect vulnerable people and staff, we are encouraging everyone to wash their hands…
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of coughs and colds. RSV infections usually get better by themselves, but can sometimes be serious for babies and older adults. Who’s at risk from RSV RSV infections are very common. Almost all children get them at least once before they’re 2 years old. They’re not usually…
Patient digital survey results
Dolphins Patient Survey on Digital Technology Thank you very much to those of you who completed the survey. We received 1,920 electronic responses and 17 paper responses. The key messages that you gave us are: • Over half of those who replied (53%) use digital technology to access our services – both the practice website…
Mpox information
Mpox (previously known as monkeypox) is a rare infection most commonly found in west or central Africa. There has recently been an increase in cases, but the risk of catching it is low. Mpox in the UK – Although more people have been diagnosed with it recently, only a small number of people in the…
Results of Friends and Family Test – December 2024
Thank you to all the patients that completed the survey. The results for December 2024 are: 80% of patients reported a very good service 13% of patients reported a good service 4% of patients responded with neither good or bad 2.5% of patients reported poor service .5% of patients reported a very poor service